Payment of all boarding fees should be made at the time of collection, except in long term boarding where arrangements are made for the account to be settled monthly. |
All prices are inclusive of food. |
In the event of the owner returning before the end of the period for which a cat is booked, the full period is charged. |
These prices are charged from the day of arrival. If the cats are picked up within the morning opening hours on the day of departure, there will be no charge for that day. |
A 10% nonrefundable deposit will be required. |
If cancellation of the booking occurs 7 days or less prior to the booking then the client is liable for the booking fee. |
Payments: Cash, Cheque, Cards or BAC payments. |
A Spacious family unit is available for those larger families, please call to discuss details and costs. |
We are unable to board diabetic cats at present. |
Drop off and Pick Up is by appointment only. Details and prices can be provided upon request.
Heating surcharge
Due to the increased cost of utilities we are having to implement a winter surchare which will run from 1st October to 30th April. At present this will be set at £3.00 a day on top of the boarding fees which is subject to change depending on the fluctuated utility costs going forward.
Clients who have booked within this period will be notified of any changes.
* As our spring/autumn can have unpredictable weather conditions a surcharge fee might be incurred out side of the winter months if condtitions dictate that the heaters are required.
Closed for pick up and drop off of cats on bank holidays
Christmas bookings
Not open for pick up and drop off on the 24th, 25th, 26th Dec & 1st Jan
Minimum of a 5 day booking fee over the Christmas period.
50% non refundable deposit.
No evening pick up and drop offs between Christmas and New Year.